
Goalie: The Native iPhone HockeyApp Client

Wonderful news in the HockeyApp community today. Brian Gilham and Mark Pavlidis have released their native HockeyApp client for iOS: Goalie. HockeyApp is a platform for managing your apps. It offers everything from beta management to crash reporting and has become an indispensable tool for many developers and testers in the iOS community (and elsewhere) including myself. If you haven’t checked HockeyApp out yet, you should.

HockeyApp offers a web clip (a web page with an icon on your home screen), but the functionality is pretty limited. Goalie is the first native iOS client for HockeyApp. For testers it offers similar functionality to the web clip, allowing you to install your available apps. For developers it offers many more features for managing betas including viewing crash reports, handling user feedback, adding new apps, viewing analytics and managing your teams.

While the app is free, you’ll want to buy the in-app purchase to unlock all of the features for managing betas; it’s well worth the price. For anybody who uses HockeyApp on any sort of regular basis, this is a must-have app.

iTunes Link

By Nick Arnott

I like breaking stuff. I used to test iOS and Android applications. Now I test some other stuff. Sometimes I rant on Twitter.

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